The Department is headed by a Director and comprises of Four Divisions. Namely:
Water Regulatory Division
Boreholes Data collation and Records.
Processing of licenses and permits
Assessment of Boreholes
Enquiries and feedbacks
Collation of Departmental Monthly Reports
Monitoring and Enforcement
Inspection and verification of data/facilities
Borehole marking and numbering
Attending to Public complaints
Quality Assurance and Pollution Source Control
Water quality report
Evaluation and Interpretation of results
Recommendation of results
Wastewater Management
Sewage Management
Effluent Treatment Plant
Water Regulatory Advocacy Division
Conducting public enlightenment campaign and disseminating vital information on Water Resources matters and such as danger of obnoxious fishing methods, dumping of toxic waste in water bodies, dumping of hazardous chemicals in water bodies.
Organizing sensitization and awareness to members of the public on water hygiene
Coordinate the activities of the Water Conservation Clubs in Secondary Schools across the State.
Mr. T. D. Solarin
Director of Water Regulatory Enforcement and Advocacy