The Ogun State Ministry of Environment is the organ of the State Government with the overall responsibility of prevention, conservation and amelioration of the various components and resources in the environment towards enhancing the quality of life of all citizens. This involves the monitoring of environmental changes, predicting future changes, in an attempt to maximise human benefits and minimise environmental degradation due to anthropogenic activities. It was created in 2003 and its responsibilities and functions are guided by the Environmental Management (Miscellaneous) Provisions Law, 2004 and other extant regulations formulated pursuant to the law. Prior to its creation, Ogun State Environment Protection Agency (OGEPA) and few other MDAs of the State Government were strictly in charge of Environmental Management in the State.
The purpose of this charter is to create consciousness to the public of the accessibility, timeliness and excellence of the services obtainable at the Ministry of Environment and explain to clients the type of service they should expect. The document should assist Clients/Service Users to appreciate their roles in achieving high standards of service delivery, and contribute to solutions where service delivery is not up to their expectations. The charter should help clients/service users in understanding their rights, and also provide a mechanism for feedback on accessibility and the standards of services offered.
Vision Statement
Create a Sustainable Environment for better quality of life for all citizens of Ogun State.
Mission Statement
The Ministry’s mission shall be to conserve the State’s Environment and its Resources through the Formulation and Implementation of Policy frameworks, Advocacy and Environmental law Enforcement to achieve sustainable development.